APK Decompilation: Everything You Need to Know

Looking for the easiest way to decompile APK? Here in this article, we are going to share brief details about APK decompilation and everything you need to know about APK decompilation. We will talk about the tools that you need and how to use the tools and commands to find all the resources. The process is easy and it doesn’t need any skills to decompile APK. You only have to learn about the tools and follow the steps to get the resources.

What is an APK File?

An APK file contains all the resources, elements, and classes to let the app run smoothly. APK is the raw form of an app and it may contain multiple files and folders that need to be installed manually. APK is the file package that is shareable on Play Store and other app stores to let the users download and install the app manually.

What is APK Decompilation?

APK Decompilation

APK Decompilation is a process where you can look into the resources of the Apps. Check all the elements, classes, resources, and attachments with the APK files that keep them running. The decompilation process will guide you about how the app works and what elements are needed to keep the app running. From the basic source codes to the advanced classifications, you will get a summary of the app in detail.

To do so, you must need some online tools to extract the APK and get all the resources and source codes. You can enjoy the reverse-engineered tactics to extract the APK files and customize them with your codes to test your skills.

How to do APK Decompilation?

How to do APK Decompilation

There are many ways to do APK Decompilation, but we are going to discuss the basic ways that anybody can easily understand. You don’t have to be a professional programmer to decompile the APKs anymore, with our easy step-by-step guide you can easily perform all the actions.

There are some tools that you may need to perform the task, let’s get started by knowing these tools:


It’s a tool that you can find on Github, it is professionally designed for the developers to decompile the APKs with ease. You can download the latest update of JADX from GitHub and install it on your desktop. Make sure to have the 64-bit version on your Windows because it works perfectly fine for users on all operating systems and Windows versions.

You must have to learn a few commands that you need while decompiling the APK. These commands are in JAVA and you must have to use them wisely to get the resources of APK Files. If you misplace the commands, there will be syntax errors and you won’t get any access to the decompile files or resources.


It’s an online website that doesn’t need any special skills to learn. All you have to do is go through the website and upload the APK file that you want to decompile. It will provide the list of resources and information related to the APK within seconds. You don’t have to spend any extra minutes on the website to decompile or play with any buttons. It’s a simple one-click task that you or anybody can easily perform even with zero knowledge of programming.

APK Decompilation Using JADX

APK Decompilation Using JADX

  • Download JADX from Github.
  • Extract and Install the JADX on your system.
  • Open JADX GUI file and run the program.
  • Select the APK file that you want to decompile.
  • Navigate the source code by using the left-side compiler.
  • Use JADX Command Line Utility to switch the directory.


jadx -d [path-of-output-folder] [path-of-apk-file]

  • Now the files will be extracted in folders with the names “resources” & “sources.”

Note: The commands may vary in your system so make sure to understand the classes and locations before you directly paste the commands in the tool.

  • jadx – to start the command line utility.
  • -d– enables the access to the directory.
  • [path-of-output-folder]– replace with the output folder location where you want to decompile the APK.
  • [path-of-apk-file]– replace with the APK file location and package name.


jadx -d


APK Decompilation Using JavaDecompilers

  • Visit the official website of JavaDecompilers.
  • Upload the APK File that you want to decompile.
  • Scan the file and view the Java/Source Files of the APK.
  • Go to the resources folder and check the codes and elements.
  • That’s it.

 Final Words

In the end, we hope you guys have learned about APK Decompilation and the tools that you may need to operate. If you guys know any other process that seems much easier than our mentioned steps, let us know about it. You can share your tactics and tips with us and if it seems authentic and easy for the users, we will feature your guide in our next update.

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